Sunday 24 June 2007

TCP Replay

I put together a python script based on Scapy which allows for easy replay of Layer3 network traffic, more specifically, TCP traffic.

The script uses a pcap file as a 'script' and simulates one of the parties in the file, listening for live packets and responding with the 'answers' that match from the pcap file.

The script:

#!/usr/bin/env python

## replay by c1de0x
## ----------------------------------
## v0.1
## Scapy extension to allow pcap-captured network traffic to be used as
## a 'script' or 'template' for responses to live requests.

import scapy
from util.matches import get_match
from socket import gethostname,gethostbyname
import sys
import getopt

class TCPReplayer(scapy.AnsweringMachine):
Replays TCP traffic by matching incoming live packets to packets in a given
list, and then transmitting the answering packets from the list on the wire.
send_function = staticmethod(scapy.sendp)

def parse_options(self,list,resequence=0,port=80):
self.list = list
self.serverip = gethostbyname(gethostname())
self.resequence = resequence
self.port = port
if self.resequence: self.seq = 1L

def get_answers(self, packet):
answers = []
for other in self.list:
if other.answers(packet):

return answers

def fixup_response(self,resp,req):
if resp.haslayer(scapy.Ether):
resp[scapy.Ether].dst = req[scapy.Ether].src
resp[scapy.Ether].src = req[scapy.Ether].dst
if resp.haslayer(scapy.IP):
resp[scapy.IP].src = self.serverip
del resp[scapy.IP].chksum
if resp.haslayer(scapy.TCP):
resp[scapy.TCP].dport = req[scapy.TCP].sport

if not isinstance(req[scapy.TCP].payload,scapy.NoPayload) \
and not isinstance(req[scapy.TCP].payload,scapy.Padding): #have real payload
resp[scapy.TCP].ack = req[scapy.TCP].seq + len(req[scapy.TCP].payload)
resp[scapy.TCP].ack = req[scapy.TCP].seq + 1L

if self.resequence:
resp[scapy.TCP].seq = self.seq
if not isinstance(resp[scapy.TCP].payload,scapy.NoPayload) \
and not isinstance(resp[scapy.TCP].payload,scapy.Padding): #have real payload
#load bearing packets increment seq for following packets
self.seq += len(req[scapy.TCP].payload)

del resp[scapy.TCP].chksum
return resp

def is_request(self, req):
if not len(self.list):
print "Playback list is empty - exiting."
if not req.haslayer(scapy.TCP):
return 0
tcp = req.getlayer(scapy.TCP)
if req.getlayer(scapy.IP).dst != self.serverip or tcp.dport != self.port:
return 0

if scapy.TCPflags2str(tcp.flags) == 'A': #packet is an ack, do nothing.
if verbose: print "a-> ", repr(req)
match = get_match(self.list,req)
if match:
if verbose: print "Couldn't match ack"
return 0

self.currentmatch = get_match(self.list,req)
if not self.currentmatch:
if verbose: print "Couldn't find match for: ", repr(req)
return 0

answers = self.get_answers(self.currentmatch)
if not len(answers):
if verbose: print "Couldn't find answer for: ", repr(req)
return 0

resp = []
for answer in answers:
answer = self.fixup_response(answer,req)

if self.resequence: self.seq += 1L # Increment sequence every 'response set'
self.currentanswer = resp
return 1

def print_reply(self,req,reply):
if verbose:
print "i-> ", repr(req)
print "o-> ", reply

def make_reply(self, req):
if not self.currentmatch or not self.currentanswer:
raise Error("ASSERT: should never get here!")
resp = self.currentanswer
return resp

def Usage():
print """Usage: replay --recording=file.pcap [--port=80] [--resequence] [-v]
--recording The pcap file to replay.
--port The port to 'listen' on. If no port is specified, 80 is assumed.
--resequence If specified, new sequence numbers will be assigned to outgoing packets,
otherwise the original sequence values will be used.
-v, --verbose Turn on verbose logging.
-h, --help This help message.

port = 80
verbose = recording = resequence = 0
opts=getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hv",["help","verbose","recording=","resequence","port="])
for opt, parm in opts[0]:
if opt in ["-h","--help"]:
elif opt == "--recording":
recording = parm
elif opt == "--resequence":
resequence = 1
elif opt == "--port":
port = int(parm)
elif opt in ["-v","--verbose"]:
verbose = 1

except getopt.GetoptError:

if not recording:
print "--recording must be specified."

file = scapy.rdpcap(recording)

from scapy import replay_tcp
print "Replayer active, waiting for incoming traffic...\n"

It also makes use of the following utility script:

import scapy

def matches(packet,other):
if not isinstance(other,packet.__class__):
return 0

if isinstance(packet,scapy.IP):
#print packet.src, other.src
if packet.src != other.src:
return 0
elif isinstance(packet,scapy.TCP):
#print packet.dport, other.dport
#print packet.flags, other.flags
if packet.dport != other.dport or packet.flags != other.flags:
return 0
elif isinstance(packet,scapy.Raw) or isinstance(packet,scapy.Padding):
#print repr(packet),repr(other)
if packet.load != other.load:
return 0

if not isinstance(packet.payload,scapy.NoPayload) and \
not isinstance(other.payload,scapy.NoPayload): # if both packets have got payloads, recurse
return matches(packet.payload,other.payload)
elif (isinstance(packet.payload,scapy.NoPayload) and isinstance(other.payload,scapy.Padding)) \
or (isinstance(packet.payload,scapy.Padding) and isinstance(other.payload,scapy.NoPayload)):
# special case, if one has padding and the other has no payload, still consider it a match.
return 1
elif packet.payload.__class__ != other.payload.__class__:
print packet.payload.__class__ , other.payload.__class__
return 0
return 1

def get_match(list, packet):
for other in list:
#print "|||", repr(other)
if matches(packet,other):
return other
return 0

#=============================== Tests =========================================
class AssertionError(Exception):

def test_MatchSelf():
print "test_matchSelf... \t\t\t",
packet = scapy.Ether()/scapy.IP(src="",dst="")/scapy.TCP(dport=80,sport=11111,flags='S')/scapy.Raw(load="test")
if not matches(packet,packet):
raise AssertionError('packet should match itself')
print "pass"

def test_MatchEtherNoPayload():
print "test_MatchEtherNoPayload... \t\t",
packet = scapy.Ether()
if not matches(packet,packet):
raise AssertionError('packet should match')
print "pass"

def test_MatchIPNoPayload():
print "test_MatchIPNoPayload... \t\t",
packet = scapy.Ether()/scapy.IP(src="",dst="")
if not matches(packet,packet):
raise AssertionError('packet should match')
print "pass"

def test_MatchIPMissingSrc():
print "test_MatchIPMissingSrc... \t\t",
packet = scapy.Ether()/scapy.IP()
if not matches(packet,packet):
raise AssertionError('packet should match')
print "pass"

def test_NoMatchIP():
print "test_NoMatchIP... \t\t\t",
packet = scapy.Ether()/scapy.IP(src="")
packet2 = scapy.Ether()/scapy.IP(src="")
if matches(packet,packet2):
raise AssertionError('packet should not match')
print "pass"

def test_NoMatchTCP():
print "test_NoMatchTCP... \t\t\t",
packet = scapy.Ether()/scapy.IP(src="")/scapy.TCP(dport=8118)
packet2 = scapy.Ether()/scapy.IP(src="")/scapy.TCP(dport=8117)
if matches(packet,packet2):
raise AssertionError('packet should not match')
print "pass"

def test_NoMatchTCP2():
print "test_NoMatchTCP2... \t\t\t",
packet = scapy.Ether()/scapy.IP(src="")/scapy.TCP(dport=8118)
packet2 = scapy.Ether()/scapy.IP(src="")/scapy.TCP()
if matches(packet,packet2):
raise AssertionError('packet should not match')
print "pass"

def test_PartialMatchTCP():
print "test_PartialMatchTCP... \t\t",
packet = scapy.Ether()/scapy.IP(src="")/scapy.TCP(dport=8118, flags='SA')
packet2 = scapy.Ether()/scapy.IP(src="")/scapy.TCP(dport=8118, flags='A')
if matches(packet,packet2):
raise AssertionError('packet should not match')
print "pass"

def test_PartialMatchTCP2():
print "test_PartialMatchTCP2... \t\t",
packet = scapy.Ether()/scapy.IP(src="")/scapy.TCP(dport=8118, flags='SA')
packet2 = scapy.Ether()/scapy.IP(src="")/scapy.TCP(dport=8118)
if matches(packet,packet2):
raise AssertionError('packet should not match')
print "pass"

def test_NoMatchRaw():
print "test_NoMatchRaw... \t\t\t",
packet = scapy.Ether()/scapy.IP(src="")/scapy.TCP(dport=8118)/"Test"
packet2 = scapy.Ether()/scapy.IP(src="")/scapy.TCP(dport=8118)/"Test2"
if matches(packet,packet2):
raise AssertionError('packet should not match')
print "pass"

def run_tests():

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